Tuition Policy & Procedure – last updated 5-23-24
We offer two payment options for those who sign up before or at the start of the season: Single payment in full for the entire season (year) with 5% discount, or four quarterly payments for the season with no discount.
The option to pay for the season in a single payment will be disabled on our Website and School Application forms on September 23 and will remain disabled until registration opens for the following season, so apply by September 23 if you want that choice.
The quarterly option is offered for your billing convenience, not as a class attendance option. Much like your academic school, tuition ensures your dancer’s spot in Tiernan’s year-long program, regardless of classes missed.
We only charge for the two highest level dancers in a family. There’s no charge for any additional dancers in the family. The class menu options on our Website and School Application form are listed from lowest to highest levels.
Year (single payment in full for whole season with 5% discount): River class is $410.40; any other class is $513
Quarterly installments (4 times per year): River class is $108 ($432 total per year); any other class is $135 ($540 total per year)
Payments are due on:
Sept. 15th (1st quarter)
Dec. 15th (2nd quarter)
Mar. 15th (3rd quarter)
June 15th (4th quarter)
This only applies to quarterly payment. If you sign up after the season has already begun, the fee may be prorated, the amount being dependent upon how far along the quarter is. You will be billed the full amount for all subsequent quarters.
Quarterly invoices are mailed on the final day of the month prior to the billing month. For example, invoices for 2nd quarter will be mailed by Nov. 30th. Invoices will NOT be mailed for the 1st quarter.
If no payment is received by the 15th day of the month following the billing month, you will be notified by either phone or e-mail (or regular mail, if these options are not available). For example, if no payment is received by Jan. 15th for the Dec. 15th billing period (2nd quarter), you will be informed that your account is “past due”.
If your account is still not paid within two weeks after the late notice date, you will receive a final notice requesting full payment before the beginning of the next tuition quarter. If current tuition is not paid for the quarter, your Parent Portal privileges will be revoked and your dancer(s) will not be allowed to participate at our school until your account is settled. These families will be notified by the bookkeeper as well as the area parent volunteer and a list of these students will be given to the teachers to refer to at class.
We accept personal checks, cashier’s checks, money orders and Zelle payments for tuition. You will receive detailed instructions on how to pay the administration fee and tuition after your Website and School Application form has been approved. Please do not submit any payments until we have approved your application.
A dancer must be officially registered in our school to attend any Tiernan classes or special events. Website and School Application form approval is synonymous with being registered.
It is important that Tiernan families remain in “good standing”. Should a dancer not be properly registered or is financially behind in payments, they may be prohibited from attending classes. Please note that tuition is paid to reserve a spot in the Tiernan program. Fees are not charged based on a dancer’s presence or absence in class – tuition must be paid even if classes are missed. In addition, if a dancer chooses to take off an extended period of time for personal reasons (i.e., summer vacation, etc.), the dancer will lose their spot in the program and must re-apply at the next open registration. Severe delinquency can also affect a dancer’s ability to enter competitions, as this is not just a Tiernan policy but one of the Irish Dance Teachers Association.
If your family has special financial needs, please contact Janna Henry to arrange a payment plan. She can be reached by phone at (708) 805-0194 (cell) or via email at
In the unfortunate event that a dancer is injured, we ask that the dancer continues to attend dance classes to observe or walk through classes in gym shoes, depending on severity of injury. We have learned that dancers retain as much, if not more, by watching the class from the teacher’s perspective. Each dancer also brings a unique and important energy as a member of the class. It is important that they stay connected with their teacher and class, and the dancer in question stays in tune and up to date with their steps.
After injury and post doctor visit, email your teacher, Jan Hill at and Janna Henry at Provide student’s full name and injury details.
Note: As long as the dancer is attending and/or observing class, tuition will still be required. Please consult the contacts above in the case of an injury lasting 12 weeks or more, so we can create the best plan for your family.
If a student has a cell phone, they should keep it in their dance bags. Cell phones should not be utilized for any reason in the classroom unless the Tiernan teacher permits it for a particular reason.
Teachers utilize their cell phones and/or tablets and laptops for purposes related to class. They need to connect for music, viewing their class plans and notes. They may also utilize Tiernan’s social media. There are classes that may be recorded for private viewing amongst the teaching staff to review and discuss steps, choreography, progress, etc. to ensure your dancer and the class is receiving the best support.
Bullying will not be tolerated in our dance community. Bullying is contrary to Tiernan’s mission, policies, and the environment we build for our Tiernan family.
If you wish to withdraw your dancer from the Tiernan program, please leave a message for Janna Henry at (708) 805-0194 and Jan Hill at (406) 461-2585 (text only please). You may also email this information to Janna at or Jan at Please confirm the date of your dancer’s last attended class and let us know the specific reason for withdrawing. We need to know if the dancer is going to stay on our mailing list for future enrollment and we are always anxious to hear ways we can improve our program. Your family will be responsible for tuition expenses until this procedure has been followed.