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Image Publication Policy – last updated 8-22-24

Tiernan Irish Dancers occasionally posts pictures and videos of individual and group performances on this website,  Also, the news media frequently covers our events and may wish to publish pictures and videos outside of our website and beyond our control.  Please read the terms and conditions below prior to submitting your Website and School Application.


1.  Image Permissions (updated 8-22-24)

Our Website and School Application form offers the following options for permissions regarding your child’s images:

  • Allow on website only.  By selecting this option, you agree that we may publish on or remove from our website any or all images of your dancer in our possession, at any time, for any reason, and for any duration, in our sole discretion.  You also prohibit publication of images in the news media.  You further agree that our only responsibilities are to:  (1) inform said news media of your desire to prohibit such publication and (2) withhold from said news media images which are in our sole possession and under our exclusive control.
  • Allow in news media only.  By selecting this option, you agree to publication of any or all images of your dancer in the news media.  You also prohibit publication of images on our website.  You further agree that our only responsibilities are to:  (1) refrain from publishing on our website images which we may have in our possession and/or access to and (2) inform said news media of your approval of such publication and provide said news media with these images.  We cannot control which images the news media will use, if any, nor the manner in which they may be used.
  • Allow all.  By selecting this option, you agree to allow publication of any or all images of your dancer on our website and in the news media, under the terms and conditions described above.
  • Allow none.  By selecting this option, you prohibit publication of all images of your dancer on our website and in the news media.  You agree that our only responsibilities are those stated in the terms and conditions described above.

We honor the permission choices listed above and will comply with them to the best of our ability.  However, we are not responsible for the actions of any parties not associated with Tiernan Irish Dancers of Helena who may have obtained access to images without our knowledge or permission.

All copyrighted images shall remain the exclusive property of the copyright holder(s).  By submitting images to us, you affirm that you are authorized to provide us with these images and you give express consent for us to utilize said images for advertisement and/or promotional purposes, per the terms and conditions described herein and in our other policy pages.

2.  Indemnification (updated 8-22-24)

In all cases, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold Tiernan Irish Dancers, our subsidiaries, affiliates, and all of our respective officers, agents, partners, employees and volunteers harmless from and against any and all claims, causes of action, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees and other litigation costs, which may in any way arise from or be in connection with the publication of any images.